Dear AGCT customers and clients,


We would like to inform you that as of next Monday, June 15th 2015 we are starting to use the East Gate for ENTRANCE, as well as EXIT of truck (as was the case until now).


Following the adaptation of the new superstructure, and in order to further improve the traffic and increase cargo flow at the terminal, Adriatic Gate Container Terminal will, in cooperation with the Croatian Customs and Port of Rijeka Authority, enable start of using the new (eastern) gate which is directly connected to the highway (D-404) exclusively for entrance and exit of trucks.



The West Gate (from the direction of A.K. Miošića) is hereby becoming a service gate and will no longer be used for entrance of the external trucks. We are hereby kindly asking all the drivers to adhere to the new traffic regulation.


In order for this and all previously introduced changes to be implemented with minimal impact on the performance and operation of internal terminal traffic, all drivers are kindly requested to adhere to the directions of traffic within the terminal as well as the code of conduct, and not to retain in the terminal unduly. Enclosed please find the new terminal traffic plan as well as the instructions how to enter the terminal.


In order to improve safety and increase flow of tucks and goods we are hoping for your cooperation in implementation of the new code of conduct for the benefit of us all.


Your AGCT Team