AGCT employs 218 employees of different qualifications education levels and profiles. Between 20 and 40 age are 52% of our employees and even 38% have finished university and college education.

During 2011 AGCT employed more than 100 person of which 21% was unemployed and 24% was recruited through collected open applications.

  • Our employees are part of global international company in further growth with wide possibilities for developing in every field, for mobility and foreign experiences but also a dynamic and devoted team of experts and a supporting and encouraging company environment.
  • AGCT Employees are indeed our company’s greatest asset and only with their quality we are able to achieve our goals and our dreams.


If You wish to become a part of our team, the safest way is direct entry into our database by clicking on the following icon:


 +385 51 496 954

 +385 51 614 005


Jadranska vrata
Brajdica 16,
p.p. 129
51000 Rijeka


Operater, više izvršitelja (m/ž)

Potrebni uvjeti: 

  • iskustvo na istim i sličnim poslovima
  • položena B ili C kategorija
  • volja za rad i učenje
  • fleksibilnost i tolerantnost
  • komunikativnost, timski duh

Vaša prednost su također:

  • Položen ispit za upravljanje nekim od lučkih strojeva (obalnom, mostnom ili autodizalicom)
  • položen ispit za viličaristu
  • položena C+E kategorija
  • iskustvo u radu sa kontejnerima

Za prijavu na oglašena radna mjesta možete se javiti u odjel upravljanja ljudskih potencijala na e-mail job@ictsi.hr te broj telefona 051 496 954 ili na adresu JADRANSKA VRATA d.d., Brajdica 16, 51 000 Rijeka i to najkasnije do 17.07.2024.